Animal sanctuaries and shelters: this is for you, for free!

By Simple Happy Kitchen news |
July 24, 2022
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Free posters for animal shelters and sanctuaries

Animal shelters and sanctuaries have a very warm spot in our hearts, and we’re always trying to come up with more ways to help them. This time we decided to create a bunch of illustrated infographic posters about farm animals, which can be customized and will be sent FOR FREE to any animal sanctuary or organization who wants them.

They can be used to educate your visitors, to spread the word about your sanctuary or even as fun giveaways! If you own/work/volunteer at an animal sanctuary, feel free to click here and contact us for more info. 

Last January, we asked our followers to tag animal sanctuaries and organizations as part of #TheBettyWhiteChallenge, which resulted in thousands of dollars being donated by us each month to animal organizations from all over the world.

Now we decided to try and help even more with those free illustrated posters. There’s no catch, just our huge love of animals and the people who are doing their best to help them.

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