Berkeley decides to cut meat consumption in half by 2024!

By Simple Happy Kitchen news |
August 10, 2021

The city of Berkeley, California has recently passed a resolution to cut the amount of meat and dairy it serves by 50% in the next three years. This means that the city will strive to serve vegan meals at its various facilities including jails, summer camps, senior centers and more. 

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Berkeley cut meat consumption in half

In a memo released by the city council it was stated that “Compared to other climate mitigation strategies, increasing plant based food is a relatively simple, cost-effective strategy that can downsize the city’s carbon footprint while improving the health of residents.” 

So yeah, after the UN has basically told us explicitly earlier this week that we must take immediate action to save our planet or it’ll be too late, we couldn't stress enough just how important Berkeley’s decision is, and how much we’re hoping that more and more cities will take its amazing lead in the near future!

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